Got a new set of books for school yesterday..
love the cover..haha!
Everything now is getting harder,
words is also getting more and more...
hope that i can get better in it,
and will have good results for the test in June.. =p
This is the books..
Textbook and Workbook..
the name is STEIN PÅ STEIN..
in english is stone on stone..
and it means... step by step..
quite a good name~~=p
My teacher borrowed some books from the library,
and she said that those books is quite easy to understand..
so she asked us to maybe borrow one home and read it..
so i've borrowed one book,
name 'New York mysteriet'
(mysteriet means mystery)
wrote by Bjørn Sortland..
hope i can understand what the story is about..
and maybe share it here after i've finish with it..=p
Argh! Today i broke my precious little NAIL!!
my MIDDLE finger nail~~
OUCH!it was so pain!! and i'm so sad about it..
cause i have to wait for it to grow again..
damn angry!!
duno y my nail is so NOT strong!!
This few days is chasing 'Gossip Girl'..
Didnt watch it before...
so i've started watching from Season 1 on Thursday..
and i've finished the whole season 1 on Friday midnight! =p
Then today continued with season 2..
currently watched until episode 7..
The cast in the show is so hot! haha!

-x.o.x.o Gossip Girl-
it's CNY soon..
and my mum is going back to Malaysia on the 1st day of CNY!
although she only go back for around 10 days,
but i still so jealous!
i wanted to go back so much!!
No choice.. sobzz
Anyway, to my frens,
if you all have something to pass to me,
pass it to my mum.. =)
Everything now is getting harder,
words is also getting more and more...
hope that i can get better in it,
and will have good results for the test in June.. =p
This is the books..
Textbook and Workbook..
in english is stone on stone..
and it means... step by step..
quite a good name~~=p
My teacher borrowed some books from the library,
and she said that those books is quite easy to understand..
so she asked us to maybe borrow one home and read it..
so i've borrowed one book,
name 'New York mysteriet'
(mysteriet means mystery)
wrote by Bjørn Sortland..
and maybe share it here after i've finish with it..=p
Argh! Today i broke my precious little NAIL!!
my MIDDLE finger nail~~
cause i have to wait for it to grow again..
damn angry!!
duno y my nail is so NOT strong!!
This few days is chasing 'Gossip Girl'..
Didnt watch it before...
so i've started watching from Season 1 on Thursday..
and i've finished the whole season 1 on Friday midnight! =p
Then today continued with season 2..
currently watched until episode 7..
The cast in the show is so hot! haha!

it's CNY soon..
and my mum is going back to Malaysia on the 1st day of CNY!
although she only go back for around 10 days,
but i still so jealous!
i wanted to go back so much!!
No choice.. sobzz
Anyway, to my frens,
if you all have something to pass to me,
pass it to my mum.. =)
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