Wooppss.. forgot to update my blog. heh
let's update from the week after i last updated.
That was the busiest week,
with tests and homework dues.
after that came autumn break. =)
well, did nothing much during holiday.
watched series, movies, shows...
went to swimming & aerobic...
that's my boring holiday life.
Today is saturday already,
which means i have only one day left to school reopens. Damn!
and i still have some undone homeworks,
will try my best to do some tomorrow. heh
i just downloaded Nasi Lemak 2.0.
i know it breaks the copyright,
but that's the only way i can watch it,
since i'm away from Malaysia. =)
forgive me please. hehe
watching Iron Man now.
didn't watch it before. it's actually quite nice.
i know i'm outdated, but sometimes you can't watch everything isn't it?!
it's better late than not watching it. hehe.
Okay, back to movie!