it's been almost a week since i last updated..
last week was easter holiday,
so i got nothing to say about since the day after my birthday..
cause just stayed at home with boring life..
Let's start the post from Tuesday..
Tuesday 14.4.09
It was prince(wang zi)'s birthday!!
He turned 20 on that day!!
Happy Birthday to you~~ wo de wang zi~~ =p
It was also back to school day..
nothing special.......
after school, went to shopping with family..
then, 5.45pm,
it's time for training!!
(It's tuesday... so i have training for the mountain top thingy)
We met in a place called Frivillighetssentral,
& we walked up to a top near sentrum..
Before we starts our training,
they said that NRK(norway's TV channel) will record us on the way up..
& it's live on TV!!
this building was a hotel & restaurant many years ago..
then it got burned..
so now left only this small part...
This is the water tank for this town.. (i think)
View from the top..
damn nice isn't it??
Filming *It's in news*
We have already walked a whole round,
but the tv program was not time yet..
so we went down to a slope nearby,
& ACTED that we're walking up the slope!
Haha.. fake rite?? lol
but.. it's funny..
the news was also on internet!!
Melanie is on TV! LOL!!
Wednesday 15.4.09 (Today)
Yesterday night studied for quite long..
cause i'm having norwegian level 3 example test..
the test was ok.. but hard also..
i'm starting to listen to radio everyday from now on..
train to understand what norwegian ppl talks..
After school, went to library..
borrowed 3 books..
about norway,
about a composer from norway & about titanic...
At night, went to eat dinner in a Thai restaurant..
food was normal..
but it's kinda expensive for such a small portion..
maybe once a month is ok..
better than eating the same thing everyday rite?? =)
OKiee! damn tired now......
but i want to watch my shows~~
so i got nothing to say about since the day after my birthday..
cause just stayed at home with boring life..
Let's start the post from Tuesday..
Tuesday 14.4.09
It was prince(wang zi)'s birthday!!
He turned 20 on that day!!
Happy Birthday to you~~ wo de wang zi~~ =p
It was also back to school day..
nothing special.......
after school, went to shopping with family..
then, 5.45pm,
it's time for training!!
(It's tuesday... so i have training for the mountain top thingy)
We met in a place called Frivillighetssentral,
& we walked up to a top near sentrum..
Before we starts our training,
they said that NRK(norway's TV channel) will record us on the way up..
& it's live on TV!!

then it got burned..
so now left only this small part...

damn nice isn't it??

We have already walked a whole round,
but the tv program was not time yet..
so we went down to a slope nearby,
& ACTED that we're walking up the slope!
Haha.. fake rite?? lol
but.. it's funny..
the news was also on internet!!

Wednesday 15.4.09 (Today)
Yesterday night studied for quite long..
cause i'm having norwegian level 3 example test..
the test was ok.. but hard also..
i'm starting to listen to radio everyday from now on..
train to understand what norwegian ppl talks..
After school, went to library..
borrowed 3 books..
about norway,
about a composer from norway & about titanic...
At night, went to eat dinner in a Thai restaurant..
food was normal..
but it's kinda expensive for such a small portion..
maybe once a month is ok..
better than eating the same thing everyday rite?? =)
OKiee! damn tired now......
but i want to watch my shows~~
hahaha famous la now
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