Ipod Nano!!!!

I'm so happy!
I wanted to buy this for so long d..
Finally get to buy it! =P

Pink Ipod Nano, 16gb!!

Yesterday went to quite lot of shop to search for this..

1st shop
Doesnt even have any stock for ipod nano.. Swtt!

But i bought this ipod nano casing from the shop..
very cute..
its like a small purse..=p

2nd shop
Only have black colour..argh!

3rd shop
only have black and green colour.. Ish!

4th shop....
FINALLY! got it! heheh...

It's so nice..
but have to update a lot of things now..
need to put the album artwork to make it nicer...=p
Hope that i will finish asap..
and enjoy using it! =)

bye bye ipod mini,
hellloooo ipod nano! haha!

More Photos of it.. hehe..


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