school was quite fun today.
very special teaching system.
but didnt really followed much,
cause cant understand and speaks so well norwegian.
if it would be in chinese,
then i sure will be more into it. =)
went to swimming after school.
havent been to swimming for around 3 weeks,
because of many different reasons.
when we're there,
we saw a small boy who hurt himself.
dont really know how he hurt himself,
maybe slipped and his head hits the floor.
he was bleeding.. non stop... so scary.
then i think they called ambulance and send him to the hospital.
we really have to becareful around swimming pool.
very easy to hurt ourself.
anyway, i'm so tired after swimming.
cant manage to blog so long today.haha
blog tomorrow. =)
found this on google. so cool~~!!
but didnt really followed much,
cause cant understand and speaks so well norwegian.
if it would be in chinese,
then i sure will be more into it. =)
went to swimming after school.
havent been to swimming for around 3 weeks,
because of many different reasons.
when we're there,
we saw a small boy who hurt himself.
dont really know how he hurt himself,
maybe slipped and his head hits the floor.
he was bleeding.. non stop... so scary.
then i think they called ambulance and send him to the hospital.
we really have to becareful around swimming pool.
very easy to hurt ourself.
anyway, i'm so tired after swimming.
cant manage to blog so long today.haha
blog tomorrow. =)

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